Archive for May 2010

On The Job Training

The other night after I read Hannah her story before bed she asked me this question.  “Mommy, did you have to take classes to learn to be a Mom?”  I smiled and asked her why she wanted to know that.  She said” because Daddy had to go to classes to be a lawyer and Aunt Tracy took classes to be a nurse right?  Mommies have to do the same don’t they?”  Again, I smiled thinking about how precious their little thoughts are.  I told her the answer was sort of complicated.  I said mostly Mommies learn how to be one by watching their own Mom, Grandma or other women in their life.  Then I said, but no matter how much you think you know, the true “class” a mom takes is more of “on-the-job training”.  Of course she had no idea what I was talking about.  I said, I learn what to do, and often what not to do, each and every day. 

All the time I marvel at the capacity of children’s minds to think about and process all of that information.  And then I think about how more than anything God just wants us to come to him with that same childlike questioning, trust, and faith in His answers.  Of course I fail at this all the time.  When I think of prayers I pray I am not proud to admit that sometimes they sound like “instructions” for God instead of seeking HIS will, HIS leading, HIS answers…

If we (meaning me) spent more time asking God how, what, why, when instead of telling Him what we want I wonder how much less heartache we would have to go through?  I guess it is the same as when we as parents tell our children that this or that isn’t a good idea or not a good path to go down but they forge ahead anyway.  Our kids (like us) think they know best and most often it doesn’t end the way they (or we) had hoped.  And as we do as parents, God wants so much more for us than that.  He wants nothing less than to give us the very best, if we would just let Him. 

Dear Lord,

Today I pray that instead of telling You what I want or think should happen that I sit quietly with You and wait for what it is You want me to hear.  Let me ask questions, like those that my precious kids do, let me ask for your way and not mine in all that I do.  I pray that I am an example of this to my children so that they do less telling and more asking of You when they are parents themselves.  I praise You for how you love me, my kids, my husband and ALWAYS have my best interest at heart even when I may not understand.  Thank you Lord.  In Jesus Name, Amen

Be blessed friends! 

Krista 🙂

Add a comment May 21, 2010

Ten on Tuesday

This week’s TEN is sort of a random gathering of thoughts from this past week.  Hope you all had a wonderful Mother’s Day!

1.  Today was one of those days where I was just a little extra proud of my baby girl.  She has asked me countless times to do the St. Jude Trike a Thon to raise money for the hospital (she saw it on NickJr).  She has been so persistent and I could just see her compassionate little heart really wanting to do something.  So, I sent a request and am working to plan an event in her name.   She is SO excited.

2.  Last week at preschool each of the kids in Hannah’s class were asked by their teachers to write why they loved their mommies in honor of Mother’s Day.  Most five year olds answer things like she makes me pancakes, or plays ball with me or reads me books.  And all of those are important and real things that kids cherish as well as the parents.  But when I looked and found Hannah’s construction paper tulip on the wall and it says “…because she gave me a brother” I nearly broke into tears.  The pure love children have for others, even siblings they bicker with, is one of the greatest gifts of God you can witness.  That is what I will remember about this Mother’s Day.

3.  Watermelon Jolly Ranchers rock!  (Thanks Susie!)

4.  I was chatting with another mom today at Kindergarten assessment about reading and our favorite books.  One of my recent favorites is “The Shack”.  I think it is one of the most meaningful books I have ever read.  I was amazed when she said it was the worst book she ever read!  Crazy the difference in perspective between two people.   Currently I am reading Nicholas Sparks “The Lucky One”.  I am really enjoying it and like how well he builds the characters.  Highly recommend it.  What are you reading right now?

5.  This morning when the alarm woke me from a really great sleep the rain was pouring down so hard.  It was definitely a snooze button and roll over kind of morning.  I don’t know about you but I love few things more than to snuggle under a warm blanket and listen to the rain.  Of course, I couldn’t do that as my munchkins needed their Mommy, but it was a nice thought.  🙂

6.  So, if you watch the Biggest Loser you will appreciate this story.  I was invited to a boot camp personal training session last week with a friend and despite my fear of making a fool of myself, I went.  It was hard.  I mean, like REALLY hard.  I was that girl who was bringing up the rear in all the runs.  He made us run up a hill, a really big one at least four times (this is where the image of the biggest loser challenges comes in) but was proud to even get through all that.  So glad I went and actually think I might go again.  Who knew I would become a workout junkie?

7.  Embrace.  That is the word of the week thanks to my dear friend Alicia who spoke in our Mother’s Day service this week at church.  She was amazing, inspirational and most of all…sincere.  I think as moms we have this checklist of things we think we need to do to be a “good mom” and as a result we end up disappointed when we don’t meet up to those often unrealistic expectations.  For me I took away from that day to embrace the little moments in the day.  Embrace my children’s strengths and realize my own.  Thank you Alicia for being such an amazing inspiration to so many women. 

8.  I am grateful for recent opportunities God has presented me with different people in my life.  Truly grateful.

9.  Timing is everything they say.  Not sure who “they” are but they do.  I have recently become close friends with someone whom I know is moving across the country soon.  She is one of those special people that you meet and your heart feels like you have always known.  The selfish part of me wants to hold onto her ankles and not let her go.  (I will give you a minute to picture that…ok, ha!)  But in my heart I also know she is one of those people who will remain close no matter where she goes.  Love ya girl, you know who you are.

10.  On a lighter note, have you been to Subway lately?  Their kids meals have the cutest little lunchbags as the freebie right now.  I am quite thankful for a useful item in a kids meal instead of a little piece of plastic that has pieces that fall off and end up all over my house.  It’s the little things people.

Have a Wonderful Wednesday!

2 comments May 12, 2010






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