Archive for August 2010

Ten on Tuesday

1.  Kindergarten.  Hannah is loving her new adventure called Kindergarten.  She loves her teacher, all the arts and crafts and was super excited about music class and riding the big yellow school bus.  I must say, however, that the bus coming at 7:10AM is not my favorite part.   In honor of the first day I decorated a school bus cake for her and we celebrated with dinner with both sets of grandparents the night before with that for dessert!

2.  As you can see I FINALLY figured out how to insert photos into my blog, I am a bit technically challenged 🙂  I am so excited, I love photography and enjoy blogs so much more that include them.

3.  Fall.  I know, it isn’t quite here just yet but it is sooo close that I am getting excited.  It’s my favorite season!  Love the crisp sweatshirt weather perfect for a high school football game, warm comfort foods, leaves of all colors and the return of school and the routine that goes along with it.  I can hardly wait to break out the pumpkins and scarecrow decorations for my house!

4.  Kings Island.  This was, according to Hannah, “the greatest day of her entire life”…all 5 and 3/4 years of it!  Andrew took the day off work and we spent the day as a family exploring the park for the first time with the kids.  They both loved every second.  It was a beautiful day, perfect weather, no lines for rides and just enough sunshine for them to enjoy the water attractions as well.  As you can see below…we won just a FEW prizes playing some games 🙂

5.  Running.  I have taken up running, not so much as a hobby but as a means to an end.  I wish I could say I love it but it’s more like I am trying to love it.  Recently my favorite running buddy moved to Cali which makes it a bit hard to do it together so I am working on motivation on my own.  Might have to invest in an iPod to help me along. 

6.  S’mores.  Another thing I associate with Fall and I just remembered.  I heart S’mores.

7.  MOMs group.  This past Spring another mom from church and I started Moms of Munchkins, a MOMs group for those of us with children birth to Kindergarten.  I am so excited to see it grow and change and have been blessed by the new people I have had the opportunity to meet through the group.

8.  Daisies.  They are my favorite, another thing I share with Meg Ryan’s character in You’ve Got Mail.  There is something in the simplicity of a daisy that I find beautiful. 

9.  What are you reading right now?  I just finished all of the books by Nicholas Sparks.  I began with The Lucky One and was addicted to his writing from the start.  I saved the ones I knew the story for last and wrapped it up with The Notebook.  I must say I enjoyed the movie version a bit more but both were wonderful.  Thinking of trying Jodi Picoult next…any suggestions?

10.  Lastly I wanted to share a few recent pics taken by my dear friend Susie @ of my parents with my kids and my nephew and nieces.  These are priceless photos and I cherish the memories they capture. 

1 comment August 31, 2010

Ten Thankful Things for Tuesday

As I write this my princess is fast asleep after a morning surgery to remove her tonsils and adenoids.  She is doing remarkably well so far.  Today my focus for the Top Ten list is Thankfulness.  I have much to be thankful for, but I will just share the top ten on my heart today.

  1. My family.  As a Mom it is so hard to watch your kids go through pain, even some that might be necessary for a better end result.  I am so thankful for my precious little girl Hannah, my little Ryan and my husband Andrew who adores his family as much as I do. 
  2. Grandparents.  Where to begin…I remember so many fond memories with my grandparents as a child and would give anything for them to know my kids now.  I am so very grateful that my children have 4 wonderful, generous, loving, and prayerful grandparents who are just a wee bit crazy about my kids.  One of the nurses came into the room today at the hospital where we had 5-6 people in the room with her and she said “Boy it sure is a shame no one cares about this little girl,” of course said in sarcasm.  It fills my heart up to know how much my babies are loved.
  3. Friends.  We had so many friends and family who joined us today in praying for Hannah and for our nerves as parents.  Although it is a routine surgery you always have anxieties and concerns and I am so appreciative for those who lifted up our family today.
  4. Church.  (who are also family/friends)  One of our awesome pastors came to the hospital today to pray with us before Hannah’s surgery.  Someone, who has his own family, got up early and drove to the hospital to show what Jesus would have done.  Thank you Pastor Brad.
  5. Hospital Gift Shops.  As we got to the hospital today Hannah saw a sparkly and bright butterfly balloon in the window of the gift shop.  I could hardly wait until I got the chance to run downstairs to buy it for her and have it waiting when she came out of surgery.  Her face was worth the cost times a million.
  6. Nurses (and Dr.s too).  The kindness, skill and love of children displayed in the nursing staff at Children’s hospital was touching and so appreciated, I think so often the dr is the focus and the nurse is the one your child sees and knows and trusts. 
  7. Smoke Alarms.  This may sound strange but today, it is appropriate.  While trying to be the “good mommy” I bought Hannah’s favorite flavor of jello and was going to make it for her to eat while she recovers and is on a restricted diet.  “Going to” being the operative phrase…I got a little bit distracted and it boiled over and set off the smoke alarms.  Jello attempt = FAIL.  Smoke Alarms=Full Working Order 🙂
  8. Hannah’s friends.  We have had several people let us know their kids were praying for Hannah.  They drew her hand made cards.  They brought her sweet little gifts.  Those children have parents who are raising those children to care for others and I am thankful Hannah was remembered by them.
  9. Cappucino.  Let’s face it people, it was an early morning to be at the hospital at seven.  It got me through, just sayin’.
  10. Prayer and Peace.  As most Moms do I had a swell of anxiety in the days leading up to today.  I worried about this and that and tried not to let on to Hannah that this was the case.  But in the end through prayer a peace came to me and the worry faded away knowing it was in His hands and all I had to do was be the Mommy (and provide lots of popsicles and ice cream).

Be thankful my friends!

Add a comment August 3, 2010






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