Archive for June 2010


This week my daughter Hannah attended VBS at her local preschool’s church and enjoyed each and every moment of it.  She lives for the crafts and music and silliness and of course the snacks.  And each year she comes home with more and more knowledge of the bible and Jesus.  She (all five days) couldn’t wait until we got outside to tell me her memory verse and what kind of special treat they got that day.  Her fave was the cheddar popcorn, in case you were wondering.  What I also found sweet is how she came home telling me about this new little friend she met there.  Her name was Gracie.  That first day all I knew about Gracie was that Hannah sat with her at each station and talked to her.  I could tell already that I would be hearing a lot about this little girl. 

The second day as she climbed into the car she started to tell me about Gracie’s legs.  She told me that “Gracie has to wear special covers (braces) on her legs and that she has trouble with her talking”.   She told me that her grandma stayed with her through VBS and that she learned the face she made when she was happy.  My heart just melted.  Of all the fun things she did that day her heart was fixed on this little girl. 

Throughout the week she continued to tell me more she learned about Gracie like she has three brothers and the snacks she liked and didn’t like.  On the last day of VBS they had their closing program.  Afterwards I went to pick Hannah up with her class and there she sat, next to Gracie.  Her grandma pulled me aside and said what a sweet little girl Hannah was and that all week she had gone out of her way to play with Gracie, include her and wait for her in line for the next station.  These are the moments as a mom that make you smile and fill your heart up.  As much as I wanted her to learn new things about the bible this week and be excited to tell other kids about Jesus, what she taught me was that knowing the words in the Bible meant very little if you didn’t do as Jesus did.  She loved little Gracie just like Jesus does and saw her sweet spirit and not the braces on her legs. 

I tell you this not because I want a pat on the back, because it isn’t because of me she is this way, Jesus gifted her with the gift of hospitality, compassion and a love for other people.  I am just thankful beyond measure that He chose me to care for this precious little girl.

1 comment June 26, 2010

Rainy Day Ramblings

So I have been somewhat delinquent with my blog as of late, a few too many other things happening to stay on top of it.   Today however, is a good day to catch up on some thoughts of my recent weeks.  Just a few things I love…

1.  I love rainy days.  It is almost like Mother Natures way of saying “stay home, watch a movie, cuddle up with your kids or a good book, be lazy…”.  So today, that is what we are doing, cuddled up watching Snow White on this glorious rainy day.

2.  Girls nights.  Giggles turning to belly laughs.  Sharing Mommy stories with my girls who can laugh along with me, ok, sometimes at me.  Talking and laughing so much we lose track of time.  I had the pleasure of a Mommy night out with my sister and two of my best girlfriends the other night and I can honestly say my heart enjoyed it immensely.

3.  Smores.  I mean, what’s not to like.  And I have discovered that I enjoy them just as much in the microwave which means way easier and quicker 🙂

4.  Surprises.  Last week my husband and I celebrated our ten year wedding anniversary.  This is an accomplishment I always imagined being “old” when I enjoyed but now I realize that the fun is just beginning.  I surprised Andrew with a scavenger hunt of special places from our dating days that led up to a reveal of a master bedroom makeover at our home.  He was very surprised and we enjoyed our trip down memory lane.

5.  Organizing.  Not sure what that says about me, but I really do think it is fun.  I have spent a lot of time this week cleaning and re-organizing different areas of our home and I believe it is therapeutic for me.  Maybe that could be my little side business, organizing for others.

6.  Decorating.  I feel like a total grown up now with our new master bedroom.  Although I liked our old bedding, you know the one you get from your wedding registry, it was like a rite of passage picking out a new and sophisticated set.  I spent some quality time at Target that day choosing some new accessories to go along with it and those we already had.  I must say it turned out really gorgeous.

7.  Target.  Target is one of those places that I swear they must pump “happy” into the vents.  I could walk the aisles for hours enjoying looking at each little thing and seeking out the coveted red sticker deals. 

8.  Girls weekends.  I took Hannah with me over Memorial Day weekend to visit my friend Mary in KY.  She has a daughter named Hannah too and we spent a couple days hanging out, doing girl things, eating and enjoying a few mimosas.  It was heavenly.

9.  Gardening.  I have a new-found love for working in the yard.  Our new house (which as a side note I wonder how long you can call it new?  We have been here a year now) has lovely landscaping.  It had way too much when we moved in and we have worked long and hard to scale it back and only keep the best parts of it and incorporate our own ideas into new ones.  It is coming along quite nicely and is a simple joy.

10.  Sweet sayings from my kids.  This week’s fave comes from Ryan.  The other night before bed he said “Mommy, I wuv you and miss you til Christmas”.  To a kid, Christmas is like the ultimate right?  I guess that means he loves me a lot!  ❤  I love those kids.

So…if you made a top ten list of things you love, what would it say?

1 comment June 9, 2010






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